
The assertion of copyright. We honor other people’s rights to their intellectual property. It is prohibited for you to violate anybody else’s copyright, trademark, or other proprietary informational rights. If you submit any content that we feel infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others, we have the right, at our sole discretion, to remove it from the Website and to stop you from using it.


As part of our repeat-infringement policy, we reserve the right to terminate the use of any user’s material for which we receive three good-faith and successful complaints within a consecutive six-month period.

Despite not being governed by US law, we voluntarily abide by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In compliance with Title 17, Section 512(c)(2) of the United States Code, we have assigned an agent to handle notices of alleged copyright infringement in the event that you feel that any of your copyrighted content is being infringed upon on the Website. Email notifications to are required.

We won’t respond to or take any action in response to any notices that are irrelevant to us or that are legally ineffective. A written notification to our agent that essentially contains the following information is required for a successful notification of claimed infringement:

Locating the copyrighted work that is allegedly being violated. Please provide a description of the work and, if it is feasible, a copy or the location (such as a URL) of an approved version of the work;

Finding the allegedly infringing material and its location, or, in the case of search results, locating the reference or link to the allegedly infringing content or activity. If possible, please include a description of the content together with a URL or any other relevant details that will help us find it on the Internet or the Website;

Details that will enable us to get in touch with you, such as your address, phone number, and, if it’s available, email address;

a declaration indicating your sincere belief that the use of the content being complained about is not permitted by you, your agent, or the law;

a declaration attesting to the accuracy of the information in the notification and attesting, under penalty of perjury, to your ownership of the allegedly infringed work or your authorization to act on its behalf; and

a signature, either digital or physical, from the owner of the copyright or an authorized agent.

You may give us a counter-notification if your User Submission or a search result to your Website is removed as a result of a notification of alleged copyright infringement. This counter-notification must be a written communication to our above-listed agent and must be satisfactory to us. It must essentially include the following:

Your signature, either digital or physical;

identifying the content that has been deleted or to which access has been restricted, as well as the place where the content was previously visible before removal or access restriction;

a declaration made under penalty of perjury stating that you sincerely believe the material was removed or disabled due to an error or misidentification of the content that was to be removed or disabled;

Name, address, phone number, email address, and a declaration granting jurisdiction to the courts in Anguilla at the address you submitted, as well as the location(s) where the alleged copyright holder is based; and

a declaration that the claimed copyright owner or its representative may serve you with legal documents.